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English & Internship - English Grammar - Englische Grammatik

English & Internship

Many students that come to the UK to study also want to gain experience of working within a English-speaking environment. Global School of English - Edinburgh offers you a two stage programme to help you achieve this goal:

·  Stage 1: General & Business English language course (min 6 weeks)
·  Stage 2: Unpaid Internship at UK company (min 4 weeks)

This offers you the opportunity to develop the essential skills for working in an English speaking country: communication skills, people skills, time management, cultural understanding, etc. This is an excellent way to develop your English ability and improve your future career prospects at home or abroad.

Available Industries

·  Accounting & Auditing
·  Advertising & PR
·  Administration & Clerical
·  Architecture
·  Catering
·  Computing & IT
·  Engineering
·  Fashion & Media
·  Financial & Insurance
·  Hotels & Hospitality
·  Import & Export
·  Marketing
·  Legal
·  Sales
·  Sport
·  Travel & Tourism


The English & Internship programme is available to EU students only. All students must have upper intermediate level English (approximately IELTS 5.0, CEF level B2) before beginning a work placement. Depending on your initial level of English, you may need to extend your period of English language study before reaching the required English level. Please send a full CV (resume) and a letter detailing what type of company and position you are seeking and why you would suitable (min 200 words) to info@longua.org with 'Work Placement Application' in the subject line.


 mehr Informationen unter info@longua.org


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