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Arezzo, Getting out and about - German Grammar - Deutsche Grammatik


Getting Out and About


Visit local Tuscan villages

As part of your Italian course, we organise weekly outings to give you the chance to explore Tuscany. Monica and Roberto, our very knowledgeable Programme Coordinator will accompany you around Arezzo, sharing information on its history and well-known sites. They will also organise trips to some of the attractive nearby towns and villages such as Anghiari, Castiglion Fiorentino, Poppi, Stia and Monte San Savino, showing you around and introducing you to local craftsmen before you sit down to a well-deserved coffee and chat.

Take a weekend trip to Siena or Assisi

If you are feeling adventurous and would like to explore further afield, why not take part in one of our special guided weekend tours? Every weekend our students have the opportunity to visit some of Umbria and Tuscany’s most beautiful and famous towns from Assisi, Orvieto and Perugia to Chiusi, Cortona, Castiglione del Lago, Camaldoli, La Verna accompanied by a guide/driver. We take care of all the arrangements. See ‘Weekend Tours’ and contact us on email for further details of tour schedules (weekend tours are an optional extra). info@culturaitalianaarezzo.it

NEW!!! Evening Italian conversation group

Whether you are a student enrolled in one of our classes or perhaps an expat living here in the Arezzo area who is feeling a little under-confident about your communication skills, why not come and make new friends and practice your Italian language skills in a relaxed, social environment over a glass of wine or a coffee at a locale here in the town. Contact us for further information on email info@culturaitalianaarezzo.it


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