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Solingua Courses - Spanish Grammar - Spanische Grammatik


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Spanish for Residents

(0 review)

Spanish for Residents Programme is designed for those who want to learn this language at their own pace and later on they can combine it with their daily routine.
Students can choose the number of hours and how many days per week they would like to have classes, taking into account the minimum length of each class is two hours.

Hours per week

 Price per month

4 hours per week

100 € / month

6 hours per week

150 € / month

8 hours per week

200 € / month

10 hours per week

250 € / month

Course details Solingua’s Spanish for Residents:

NOTE: Class material is not included in the course price.
Request Information

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Spanish Spanish Express courses
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Intensive Spanish Spanish

Intensive Spanish Course

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Super Intensive Spanish course


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Spanish for Residents Programme is designed for those who want to learn this language at their own pace and later on they can combine it with their daily routine.
Students can choose the number of hours and how many days per week they would like to have classes, taking into account the minimum length of each class is two hours.

Hours per week

 Price per month

4 hours per week

100 € / month

6 hours per week

150 € / month

8 hours per week

200 € / month

10 hours per week

250 € / month

Course details Solingua’s Spanish for Residents:



DELE Preparation Course

(0 review)

Our DELE Preparation Course is specifically designed for the official Spanish language exam Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE). With this course, students will get familiar with the test format by following the exam instructions and doing mockery exams every week. Our teacher will monitor students’ progress and provide individualized counseling.
Once you have passed the DELE exam, you will receive a relevant title issued and recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Spain. It  officially proves your skills and fluency in the language. There are different levels in DELE, each of which is equated with a different level of competency.
Our DELE Preparation Course consists of 20 group lessons per week, plus 5 individual lessons per week.


2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks

Exam period



Registration Deadline

February 2017


10 February 2017

              11 January

April 2017

A1, A2, B1, B2, C1

7 April   2017

         15 February 2017

May 2017

A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, A1
escolar, A2-B1, escolar

12 y 13 May

               29   March 

 July 2017

A2, B1, B2, C1

14 July

                   24 May

September  2017


15 september

                    2 August

November 2017

A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2,A1 escolar, A2-B1, escolar

24-25 november

                  11 october

DELE Preparation

600,00 €

840,00 €

1.085,00 €

Details of Solingua’s DELE Preparation Course:

NOTE: Class material is not included in the course price.


Request Information

Spanish Express Course (10 y 15hs)


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Intensive Spanish Spanish

Intensive Spanish Course


Read More

Super Intensive Spanish course


Our DELE Preparation Course is specifically designed for the official Spanish language exam Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE). With this course, students will get familiar with the test format by following the exam instructions and doing mockery exams every week. Our teacher will monitor students’ progress and provide individualized counseling.
Once you have passed the DELE exam, you will receive a relevant title issued and recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Spain. It  officially proves your skills and fluency in the language. There are different levels in DELE, each of which is equated with a different level of competency.
Our DELE Preparation Course consists of 20 group lessons per week, plus 5 individual lessons per week.


2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks

DELE Preparation

600,00 €

840,00 €

1.085,00 €

Exam period



Registration Deadline

February 2017


10 February 2017

              11 January

April 2017

A1, A2, B1, B2, C1

7 April   2017

         15 February 2017

May 2017

A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, A1
escolar, A2-B1, escolar

12 y 13 May

               29   March 

 July 2017

A2, B1, B2, C1

14 July

                   24 May

September  2017


15 september

                    2 August

November 2017

A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2,A1 escolar, A2-B1, escolar

24-25 november

                  11 october

Details of Solingua’s DELE Preparation Course:

NOTE: Class material is not included in the course price.

mehr Informationen unter info@longua.org


Lesen Sie auch: 




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