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Safari - Tansania - 2 Tage 1 Nacht Camping / Lodging Safari




                              3 DAYS 2 NIGHTS CAMPING/LODGING SAFARI

Day 1: Arusha – Lake Manyara

Non game-viewing travel time: 3 ½ hours
Distance: 203 km
After breakfast you will Meet with our professional tours guide driver in the hotel depart to the Lake Manyara National Park with lunch box. We arrive to the picnic with game drive in time for lunch at picnic. After lunch we head into game drive. This impressive park is one of Tanzania’s most dramatically located wildlife areas, consisting of a massive but shallow soda lake (covering two-thirds of the park) at the foot of the Great Rift Valley’s western escarpment. The park’s varied habitat attracts a wide variety of animals, including one of Africa’s largest concentrations of elephants, Manyara’s famous tree-climbing lions, as well as large flocks of flamingos attracted by the algae in the lake.

Dinner and overnight Manyara lodge or Fanaka campsite.

Day 2:Tarangire National Park – Ngorongoro Crater
Non game-viewing travel time: 2 hours
Distance: 203 km

Early in morning you will be starting with air hot balloon after that you will join other for games drive. After breakfast do we head into the Tarangire National Park for a morning game drive. The park runs along the line of the Tarangire River and is mainly made up of low-lying hills on the Great Rift Valley floor. Its natural vegetation mainly consists of Acacia woodland and giant African Baobab trees, with huge swamp areas in the south. Both the river and the swamps act like a magnet for wild animals, during Tanzania’s dry season. The Tarangire National Park is reputed to contain some of the largest elephant herds in Africa. This African national park is also home to three rare species of animals – the Greater Kudu, the Fringed-eared Oryx, as well as a few Ashy Starlings. After lunch we will depart with game drive back to the lodge.

Dinner and overnight at Green hills lodge or Simba Campsite.



Day 3: Ngorongoro Crater-Moshi
Non game-viewing travel time: 2 hours & 3 ½ hours
Distance: 60km & 155 km
After breakfast we descend 600m into this magnificent crater for a morning, half-day game drive. The Ngorongoro Crater is one of the most densely crowded African wildlife areas in the world and is home to an estimated 30,000 animals including some of Tanzania’s last remaining black rhino. Supported by a year round water supply and fodder, the Ngorongoro Crater supports a vast variety of animals, which include herds of wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, eland, warthog, hippo, and giant African elephants. Another big draw card to this picturesque national park is it’s dense population of predators, which include lions, hyenas, jackals, cheetahs and the ever-elusive leopard, which sometimes requires a trained eye to spot. We will enjoy a picnic lunch in the crater, after which we travel to the Moshi .

  1. Days Tanzania safaris lodging $1100 Per person.


$905 Camping safari per person.

Price includes:
•   Game viewing safari to Tanzania's northern circuit as per sample itinerary
•   Lodging fees.
•    Food for the whole tour, Full board i.e. Breakfast, lunch and dinner(camping)
•    Drinking water for the whole safari 
•  Private 4 wheel drive vehicle with a roof hatch for picture taking and animal view to 360 degrees Professional 
•    Professional & experienced safari guide
•    Crater service fee
•    Ngorongoro fees
•     Allowance to the driver
•   Park fees to all national parks
•     Unlimited game drive
•    Soft drinks
•    All game viewing activities
Price will not include:
•    Laundry
•    Items of personal nature
•    International and local airfares
•    Airport taxes
•     Entry visas
•     Travel insurance
•    Tips and gratitude


mehr Informationen unter info@longua.org


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