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Tansania - 6 days lodge safari




6 Days Lodge Safari

6 Days luxury lodge safari, /Arusha National park/Tarangire National park/Lake manyara National park/Lake Eyasi/ Ngorongoro crater.

Day 1: Arusha National park.
After breakfast, drive to the main gate of Arusha National park, after registration you drive to the park, the first terrain you will welcoming with Giraffe, Buffaloes, warthog, Waterbuck and Olive baboons, all this animals live in the small open grassland called ‘Serengeti ndogo ‘means small Serengeti ,drive through the raining forest where you will see Black and white colobus monkey this is only the place you can see this monkey in Northern park, drive  to momella gate where you will meet the arm ranger who will take you for the day walking safari at the foot of mount meru,here you will learn Flora and fauna of this Natural habitat of Africa,enjoy the views of both mount meru and the fame mountain Kilimanjaro the highest mountain in AFRICAN, there will be the choice of the walking trails on this Park according to what you like to see, the walk it’s about 4hrs .after the walking you will meet your drive guide and drive around the momella lakes for pink flamingoes viewing . Stay over night at IMPALA HOTEL.
Day 2: Tarangire National park.
Depart from Arusha to Tarangire National park, for the game drive, the Tarangire National park it’s the best game viewing in Tanzania, the park was gazette first  as a game Reserve in 1957 and was later become the National park in 1970.the park cover about 2600kmsq.the park have hydrological regime that ensures year around permanent water. The Tarangire National park its known for its Tarangire river, valley wetlands, rolling hills, rocky outcrops, acacia woodlands, One of the greatest features of the park and characteristic that sticks in the mind after a visit to Tarangire are  the longest living and biggest  trees in world . During the dry season  the park supports the highest density of Elephants than any other National park in Tanzania ,the  other wildlife found here is  Lion, Cheetah, Leopard, Buffaloes, Giraffe, Water buck, Grants gazelle, Greater and Lesser kudu, Fringe eared  Oryx, Tree climbing pythons, Baboons ,Monkeys, and migratory animals such as Zebras and Wildebeest, stay overnight at Tarangire safari lodge.
Day 3: Lake manyara National park.
Today you cross the Great Rift Valley one of the most dramatic features on earth, extended from the dead see in Jordan to Mozambique in South, .you will pass through the maasai land the best known tribe in Africa. Lake manyara National park renamed after the plant ‘Emanyara in maasai words ‘Euphorbia tirucallii   for scientific and ladies fingers in English. The park was registered in 1960 and covers the area of 330kmsq,in which the 220kmsq cover by lake and the rest cover by woodland ,there is an enormous of wildlife such as Lion climbing trees ,Leopard, cheetah ,Hippopotamus, Buffaloes,  Elephants, Zebras, Wildebeest, Baboons, Monkeys, Pink flamingoes and over 350 birdlife. Game drive around the park. Stay overnight at Kirurumu Tented lodge.
Day 4: Lake Easy to Hadzabe and Datoga warriors.
After Breakfast drive to lake Eyasi area to visit the most fame tribe in this land the Hadzabe  and Datoga tribe, the hadzabe  people is a smallest and  oldest tribe living in Tanzania about 10,000 years. This people speak the click- language, slightly like that used by Bushmen in southern African but not closely resembling that or any other known language. this tribe represent a very ancient culture ,and have a simple lifestyle that is very well integrated with their environment, they gather the roots and tubers, wild fruits, and honey, they hunt  with bows and arrows, wandering over a dry and rugged area .Their way of life may have been typical of humanity for much of our evolution .Another tribe Datoga warriors  the Nilo-hamitics-speaking pastoralists ,the young men of this tribe are warriors who fight fiercely for their cattle and grazing areas .you arrive on this land on time for lunch, take the afternoon rest and later visit the lake Eyasi .Stay overnight at kisimangeda tented lodge.
Day 5: Visiting the Hadzabe and Datoga tribe, Drive to Ngorongoro conservation.
Early morning you will meet the local guide who will take you to visit the bushman or the Hadzabe village and you will accompany them to the hunting, here you will learn more about their traditional ways of life, they will teach you how to hunt by use bows and arrows.  Leaving Hadzabe and search for Datoga warriors, learn more about their traditional ways of life .back to your lodge for lunch, after lunch you will drive to the Ngorongoro conservation .stay overnight at Sopa lodge.
Day 6: The Ngorongoro crater to Arusha
Today you will leave your lodge in the Early morning with a picnic breakfast and with your picnic lunch to the crater floor for the game drive. The Ngorongoro crater is vast volcanic caldera, the rim of the caldera stands 610m to the floor ,the surface of the crater floor cover 265kmsq and 1700m to 1830m above the sea level, the highest point at the rim its 2333m from sea level. The ngorongoro caldera it’s a wildlife sanctuary in world, about 25,000 large mammals lives here, including Lion.  Leopard, Cheetah, jackals, Hyena, Elephants, Buffaloes, Wildebeest, Zebras, Kongoni, Eland, Grants gazelle, Thomson gazelle, Warthog, Hippopotamus if lucky here you can see the endangered Black rhino serous, Ostrich, Flamingoes, Kori bustard, Secretary bird, and many more, take the lunch into the crater and drive back to Arusha,you will have a time to  stop and shop  at  the crafts market for the makonde  woodcarvings to take home for the families and to your friends. Stay overnight at The Arusha hotel


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