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7 Days Lemosho Route Itinerary


7 Days Lemosho Route Itinerary
The Lemosho route is one of the newer routes on the mountain, and a superb choice for your climb.
It is our preferred route due to its ideal balance of low traffic, beautiful scenery and a high summit success rate.The route approaches Mount Kilimanjaro from the west, beginning with a long drive from Moshi to Londorossi Gate. From there, the first two days are spent trekking through the rainforest to Shira Ridge.
Unlike the popular Machame route, which simply intersects the Shira Plateau, the Lemosho route crosses the entirety of the plain from west to east in a pleasant, relatively flat hike. An added bonus is that climbers will encounter low traffic until the route joins the Machame route. Afterwards, Lemosho follows the same route through Lava Tower, Barranco and Barafu, known as the southern circuit. Descent is made via the Mweka route.
Lemosho is considered the most scenic route on Kilimanjaro, and grants panoramic vistas on various sides of the mountain. Thus, Lemosho is highly recommended.


You will be picked up from Kilimanjaro (JRO) airport .  From there you will go to the hotel  in moshi .Orientation on  your trek will be done  . Your  guides will be there to provide you with details on your trek and will also check your trekking gear.
Dinner and Overnight  in hotel in moshi

Day 1 :  Moshito Londorossi Gate to Lemosho Glades to Mti  Mkubwa Camp:

Elevation(m):915 m/1387 to 2,250 m to 2,000 m to 2,750 m
Elevation(ft): 3,000 ft/4921ft to 7,380 ft to 6,560 ft to 9,020 ft
Distance: 18 km,
Hiking Time: 4-5 hours
Habitat: Montane Forest
Drive from Moshi or Arusha to the Londorossi Park Gate. From here follow a forest track in a 4WD vehicle for about 11 km/7 mi (45 minutes) to Lemosho Glades and a possible campsite. From the
Glades, walk for 3 hours along beautiful forest trails to the Mti Mkubwa (big tree) campsite.

Day 2: MtiMkubwa Camp to Shira Camp 1:

Elevatoin(m): 2,750 m to 3,500 m
Elevation(ft): 9,020 ft to 11,485 ft
Distance: 12 km
Hiking Time: 5 hours
Habitat: Semi-Desert
The trail gradually steepens, enters the giant heather moorland zone, then crosses the Shira Ridge at 3,600 m/11,810 ft and drops gently to Shira Camp 1 located by a stream on the Shira

Day 3: Shira Camp1 to Shira Camp2:

Elevation(m): 3,500 m to 3,840 m
Elevation(ft): 11,485 ft to 12,600 ft
Distance: 6 km,
Hiking Time: 2 hours
Habitat: Alpine Desert

A gentle walk across the plateau leads to shira camp 2 on moorland meadows by a stream. A variety of walks are available on the plateau making this an excellent acclimatization day.

Day 4 : Shira Camp 2 through Lava Tower to Barranco Camp:

Elevation(m): 3,840 m to 4,630 m to 3,950 m
Elevation(ft): 12,600 ft to 15,190 ft to 12,960 ft
Distance: 15 km
Hiking Time: 7 hours
Habitat: Semi-Desert

After breakfast, you will hike east up a steepening path above the highest vegetation toward Kilimanjaro’s looming mass. After several hours, you walk through a rocky landscape to reach the prominent landmark called Lava Tower at 4,630 m/15,190 ft. This chunky remnant of Kilimanjaro’s earlier volcanic activity is several hundred feet high, and the trail passes right below it. For extra credit, the sure-footed can scramble to the top of the tower. After a lunch stop near Lava Tower, descend for 2 hours below the lower cliffs of the Western Breach and Breach Wall to Barranco Camp at 3,950 m/12,960 ft. There are numerous photo opportunities on this hike, especially if the walls are festooned with ice. Barranco Camp is in a valley below the Breach and Great Barranco Walls, which should provide you with a memorable sunset while you wait for your dinner. On this day, be careful to notice any signs of altitude sickness.

Day 5 : Baranco Camp – Barafu Camp

Leave slowly crossing the floor of the great Barranco Valley and up the Barranco wall; continue the trek on the South Circuit path through the Karanga Valley. Then slowly trek (7 hours) to Barafu Hut (4600m). From Barafu you will have excellent views of Kibo and Mawenzi peaks. Barafu Hut is situated on an exposed and dangerous ridge, so it is necessary to familiarise yourself with the terrain before dark. We will have our dinner,  rest and prepare for summit night.
Trekking Time: 7-8 Hours-Distance: 9km-Altitude Gain 800 m

Day 6: Summit Day! Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak to Mweka Camp:

Elevation(m): 4, 550m to 5,895 m to 3,100 m
Elevation(ft) : 14,930 ft to 19,340 ft to 19,340 ft
Distance: 7 km up, 23 km down
Hiking Time : 8 hours up, 7-8 hours down
Habitat: Scree and seasonal snow
You will rise around 11:30 PM, and after some steaming tea and biscuits, you shuffle off into the night. Your 6-hour climb northwest up through heavy scree between the Rebmann and Ratzel glaciers to Stella Point on the crater rim is the most challenging part of the route for most climbers. At Stella Point (5,685 m/18,650 ft) you stop for a short rest and a chance to see a supremely sanguine sunrise. At Stella Point you join the top part of the Marangu Route, but do not stop here too long, as it will be extremely difficult to start again due to cold and fatigue. Depending on the season and recent storms, you may encounter snow on your remaining hike along the rim to Uhuru Peak. On the summit, you can enjoy your accomplishment and know that you are creating a day that you will remember for the rest of your life. After your 3-hour descent from the summit back to Barafu Camp, you will have a well-earned but short rest, collect your gear, and hike down a rock and scree path into the moorland and eventually into the forest to Mweka Camp (3,100 m/10,170 ft).

Day 7: Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate to Moshi:

Elevation(m): 3,100 m to 1,980 m to 890 m/ 1387 m
Elevation(ft): 10,170 ft to 6,500 ft to 2,920 ft/ 4921ft
Distance: 15 km
Hiking Time: 3 hours
Habitat: Forest

After a well-deserved breakfast, it is a short, scenic, 3-hour hike back to the park gate. At Mweka Gate, you can sign your name and add details in a register. This is also where successful climbers receive their summit certificates. Climbers who reached Stella Point are issued green certificates and those who reached Uhuru Peak receive gold certificates. From the Mweka Gate you willbe driven back to Moshi for an overdue hot shower and comfortable night.
PRICE: $1850 per person.
Included in the packages;
- Private transport from the hotel to the Park s gate (starting point for the climb), and transport back to the hotel after the climb
-All National Park entry fees
- Pickup from the Airport 
at Kilimanjaro airport (JRO) and transfer to the  hotel in Moshi,
-Transfer  from the hotel in Moshi to Kilimanjaro airport (JRO)
- Rescue fees (Kilimanjaro Park rescue team fees)
- Government taxes
-Salaries for guide,cook and porters
- Evacuation services
- Friendly and competent Trained Mountain Guides, assistant guides, porters and professional  cooks.( 20 kg of personal gear carry by porter per person).
- 3 full fresh meals daily. We provide fresh food on the mountain in plentiful and well prepared by skilled professional cooks(we also consider your choice of food that you would prefer -Vegetarian and Non Vegetarian). Menu especially designed for climbers.
- Hot drinks on the mountain and Hot water for washing will be provide everyday on the mountain.
- Quality specious tents, sleeping mats, camping tables ,camping chairs and Mess/Dining Tent.
- Supplementary Portable Oxygen and Complete First Aid Kit (used in case of emergency only)
- Pulse oxy-meter carried by all chief guides
- 3-4 liters of mineral/treated water (per Climber) provided daily during the climb
-Tips is included

***Portable toilet available at an additional cost of $50 per trip.

Excluded from above package rates:
•           Items of a personal nature
•           Personal Hiking/Trekking gears (Some Gears are available for Rent)
•           Snacks, personal medicine
•           Dinner and drinks at hotel


Success is what we want during our trip. We are prepared for any urgent situation and also have in place a complete evacuation procedure in case of altitude sickness. We carry first aid supplies, supplement summit oxygen and Pulse Oximeters).



PHONE :+255756218184
P.O.BOX 8611



mehr Informationen unter info@longua.org


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